04 July 2019

Liberty ~ Increasingly AWOL from US... WTF!

As this amazing country celebrates its birth -- an epic achievement made possible ~230 years ago by righteous, civic-minded, and wise men who despised and indeed fought the grotesque evil, "political correctness", and geopolitical stupidity of their day -- let's think earnestly about the subsequent violations of the US Constitution and seemingly neverending erosion of and painful decimation of hard-won liberties, including...
  • Gerrymandering and Illegitimate Non-Representation 
  • Illegitimate Warfare, Invasions, and Offensive Actions
  • Unwarranted Searches and Seizures in both Physical and Digital Realms
  • Unfunded Mandates, Conscription, and Similar Unconstitutional Equivalents to Slavery
  • Taxation without Proper Representation or Proportionality including Rapacious Income and Wealth Taxation
  • Criminalization of Victimless Vices including Drug Use, Prostitution, Gambling, etc 
  • Unequal Treatment of Voting Age Citizens via Drinking, Smoking, Driving, and other Illegitimate Age-based Discriminatory Laws 
  • Myriad Unconstitutional Impositions upon peoples Freedoms of Religion, Speech, Commerce, Migration, and Choice 
  • An enormous Governmental Bloatocracy, endless Illegitimate Entitlements, and increasingly Outrageous Debt
  • Absence of Reason, Facts, Evidence, Logic, and Thought in far too much of what the Government does
The list goes on and on and it's painful to recite all the evil incarnate that left and right wingnuts in office have perpetrated. It's urgent to return ASAP to the moral middle, the sensible center, the authentic pro-freedom libertarian core of America.

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