As this amazing country celebrates its birth -- an epic achievement made possible ~230 years ago by righteous, civic-minded, and wise men who despised and indeed fought the grotesque evil, "political correctness", and geopolitical stupidity of their day -- let's think earnestly about the subsequent violations of the US Constitution and seemingly neverending erosion of and painful decimation of hard-won liberties, including...
- Gerrymandering and Illegitimate Non-Representation
- Illegitimate Warfare, Invasions, and Offensive Actions
- Unwarranted Searches and Seizures in both Physical and Digital Realms
- Unfunded Mandates, Conscription, and Similar Unconstitutional Equivalents to Slavery
- Taxation without Proper Representation or Proportionality including Rapacious Income and Wealth Taxation
- Criminalization of Victimless Vices including Drug Use, Prostitution, Gambling, etc
- Unequal Treatment of Voting Age Citizens via Drinking, Smoking, Driving, and other Illegitimate Age-based Discriminatory Laws
- Myriad Unconstitutional Impositions upon peoples Freedoms of Religion, Speech, Commerce, Migration, and Choice
- An enormous Governmental Bloatocracy, endless Illegitimate Entitlements, and increasingly Outrageous Debt
- Absence of Reason, Facts, Evidence, Logic, and Thought in far too much of what the Government does
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