10 June 2017

Wealth & World-Class ~ Universities & Growth...

https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/06/these-two-maps-will-change-how-you-think-about-the-worlds-best-universities?utm_content=buffer0162c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer Thanks to a WEForum post for spotting infographics created for Times Higher Education by Ben Hennig, an associate professor at the University of Iceland, which spotlight the relationship between wealth and world-class universities...
"What are the essential ingredients needed to make a world-class university? [...] The answer always involves a discussion of the importance of institutional autonomy and academic freedom, and a recognition of the crucial fact that without great people, there can be no great university. But one element is undeniably more important than any other: cold, hard cash. [...] You can’t create the appropriate research facilities, or provide the appropriate teaching environment, without money -- but most importantly, you can’t attract and retain the required talent in a highly competitive global recruitment market without the resources to pay attractive salaries."

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