"Stepped on a train at a Berlin railway station, waved goodbye to the parents he would never see again and headed for Britain."Wingnut Nazis inflamed fellow Germans into Kristallnacht, the rampant destruction of Jewish storefronts and assets. Following this, the British decided to admit child refugees. Says Silbermann...
"To its eternal credit the British Government was the only one in the entire world that said "Right we have got to do something about this."Silbermann and some 10,000 fellow children were saved. But the Nazi Germans would go on to slaughter 1.5 million Jewish children. And more. Silbermann today characterizes his own experience in Britain...
"All I remember is a feeling of unlimited kindness..."That's awe-inspiring.
But what are we -- humanity today -- doing for the equivalent children worldwide? Whether those kids are in Sudan, or Haiti, or Bangladesh, or the Congo, or they are the kids of in-migrants, or are the poor kids of inner-city USA? These children are no less valuable than young Silbermann and his peers.
This is what kills me about the pograms on the US southern border with Mexico. And the building of despicable barriers between peoples. The US stole the land from the Mexicans and now self-righteous Americans kick out the rightful owners of the land, all of them legitimate Mexican migrants.
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