03 January 2010

SENS ~ de Grey on Rejuvenation & Long-Life

What more appropriate way to introduce the 2010's but by exploring the prospect for organ rejuvenation, tissue-repair strategies, and indefinite human lifespans! I was reminded of this by the IEET decade-in-review which included a pointer to Aubrey de Grey, a biogerontologist and founding Chief Science Officer of the SENS Foundation. SENS works to...
"...develop, promote and ensure widespread access to regenerative medicine solutions to the disabilities and diseases of aging. Our focus is on the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) [...] combining direct research efforts with education, affiliation and outreach programs. We support key research through our own institute and through a variety of affiliated universities and research organizations. [...] The challenge is not small. We are proposing nothing less than a transformation of medicine; away from the increasingly burdensome and unprofitable chase to treat pathologies, and towards a functional -- and, for society as a whole, more cost-effective -- approach to maintaining and extending individual health."
Glorious! See here Aubrey de Grey @ TED arguing how Aging is yet another disease -- something we can overcome...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Also worth reading is Aubrey's book:

"Ending Aging" (see amazon & co).