The Economist writes
Wish you were mine about the growing and troublesome
resource nationalism in Africa...
"African governments are seeking higher rents and bigger ownership stakes from foreign miners. [...] in the past year resource nationalism has jumped to the top of the list of things that worry the 30 biggest global miners. [...] In Africa mining companies are often especially vulnerable -- they are usually the biggest corporate beasts around. Widespread poverty has provided a ready excuse for governments dependent on income from resources. The trick for miners is to ensure not only that the money keeps flowing but also that the miners agree to the spending on roads, railways, schools and hospitals that are now a customary part of the package the industry offers to acquire mineral rights."
On the one hand, I loathe the kleptocratic corruption and wasteful incompetence of the typical nation state and its minions. On the other hand, most big corporates have a disproportionate skill and knowledge advantage and have a track record of exploitation. Surely there's a third alternative which embraces strategic CSR and allows everyday citizens to participate in the bounty?
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