16 October 2009

Neurotech Clusters ~ Commercial Concentrations

NeuroInsights and NIO just released their downloadable report Neurotech Clusters 2010: Leading Regional Leaders in the Global Neurotechnology Industry 2010-2020 highlighting the San Francisco Bay Area and Boston-metro strength in commercial neuroscience as well as over a dozen other regions of note... These neurotech hotspot metro regions...
"...around the world are leading the way in innovating treatments for the largest unmet medical market, brain-related illness. By developing the necessary infrastructure to discover and develop neurotechnology -- drugs, medical devices, biologics, cell-based therapeutics, and diagnostics for the brain and nervous system -- these regions are helping spur local economies while fighting many of the most vexing medical problems of modern times, such as Alzheimer's disease, depression, obesity, stroke, epilepsy and chronic pain."

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