25 August 2010

Common Good ~ Restoring Human Sensibility!

Thanks to The Economist Democracy in America blog for spotlighting Common Good in their Swimming and Freedom piece...
"Here's a regulation I hate: you're not allowed to swim across the lake anymore in Massachusetts state parks. [...] I would gladly join any movement that promised to do away with this sort of nonsense. For example, Philip K. Howard's organisation "Common Good" [whose] very bugaboo is useless, wasteful legal interference in schools, health care, recreation, and so on. But what you quickly note with many of these issues is that they're driven by legal liability concerns. [...] The problem here, as Mr Howard says, isn't simply over-regulation as such. It's a culture of litigiousness and a refusal to accept personal responsibility. When some of the public behave like children, we all get a nanny state."
Yes, all the more reason why we desperately need a planet-wide libertarian freedom and civic enlightenment movement. Here's more...

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