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10 August 2010
Next Silicon Valley ~ Jurney & Cross on Lessons
Thanks to MIT alumnus entrepreneur Abdulrahman Tarabzouni for spotting this recent Measuring Measures post on the Next Silicon Valley by authors Russell Jurney and Bradford Cross who offer an...
"...historical perspective of the widespread efforts to reproduce Silicon Valley in cities across the world. [...] The Valley has now extended throughout the Bay Area. The furvor of innovation has infected the peninsula from San Francisco to San Jose. Many cities and regions outside the Bay Area have attempted to reproduce Silicon Valley. Despite their efforts, the Silicon Valley ecosystem has remained highly localized. That physical location would come to matter more than ever in a densely networked global economy is counter-intuitive, but economic clusters have come to dominate every area of technology. Despite the Bay Area's dominance, new micro-clusters sprout and grow across the globe. As each new seed develops, the comparison is inevitably made: is this the next Silicon Valley?"
This is especially relevant for Skolkovo, KAUST, Masdar, SUTD, Somaiya, and the other emergent cluster-crafters. See also Steve Blank's talk The Secret History of Silicon Valley...
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