26 August 2010

Deep Endurance ~ Rescuing Chile's Miners...

South American copper mining country Chile is in the middle of an epic attempt to rescue 33 miners from nearly a klick down underground trapped in the San José Mine since 5 August 2010. 18 days later an exploratory drill probe finally found them in remarkably good shape -- a record-setting period. While it may yet be months before -- under the best of circumstances -- they will be extracted, we can already draw hope and inspiration from their resilience, camaraderie, inventiveness, and deep endurance. ¡Fuerza!


Unknown said...

why not rescue team adopting the easy and quick way to bring them out. i think easiest way is mine enterence. they should go throgh mine enterence and the portion collapsed should be removed and a narrow opening should made to bring them out........

Ajarn said...

Surely if going down the original tunnel was possible they would do it. It seems the risk of further collapses is far too great to risk.

Our thoughts are with the Miners and families, we allvhope it ends well and soon. Teachers in Thailand :)