22 March 2008

fMRI-Polygraph for Lie Detection...

Scientific American has a little piece on using fMRI for lie detection entitled Are You a Liar? Ask Your Brain: Researchers use fMRIs to track blood flow in the brain to determine if someone is fibbing


Justin M. Cook said...

I saw the article too. FYI - I'm starting to work with Prof Oliver Goodenough (Vermont Law, part of Harvard Berkman Center with Karim) using fMRI to determine if people think differently about intellectual property "theft" than they do physical property theft. I blogged it here: http://prospecttheory.blogspot.com/2008/02/moral-reasoning-why-do-people-perceive.html

Joost Bonsen said...

Fascinating! You'll have to join us for our Neurotechnology Ventures seminar in the Fall 2008.