27 March 2009

MIT AITI ~ Teaching Mobile Apps-Dev in Africa

I met with the MIT Africa Information Technology Initiative (AITI) President Michael Gordon earlier this week, and was delighted to hear about the renewed and vital action agenda he and fellow MIT students are planning for this summer in Africa. The entirely student-run AITI...
"...promotes development in Africa through education in appropriate information and communication technologies (ICTs). During MIT's summer recess, AITI sends MIT students to Africa to teach African undergraduate and high school students. AITI partners with local African institutions to offer classes focused on mobile phone application development with an emphasis on independent research, problem-solving, and entrepreneurship."
This decade-old activity has educated and inspired over 1,000 students attending partners schools in Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Zambia. Now in collaboration with Nathan Eagle of MIT's Entrepreneurial Programming & Research on Mobiles (EPROM), their goal is to co-develop mobile programming curricula and bolster each institution's local capacity for teaching the material and supporting emergent student ventures. Fantastic!

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