22 September 2009

Aydogan Ozcan ~ Lensfree Imaging Diagnostics

Just saw TR 35 honoree Aydogan Ozcan visit us from his lab at UCLA to the MIT Media Lab to speak about A new tool for TeleMedicine: Lensfree On-Chip Imaging for High-throughput Cytometry and Point-of-care Diagnostics, a device he calls LUCAS. Think of this as an instrument add-on to a mobile...
"He's made prototypes mounted in cell phones to demonstrate the technology and has started a company called Microskia to develop it. The first products are likely to be simple microscopes that plug into a cell phone or laptop through a USB cord and display the magnified images on their screens; the first uses will probably be in remote medical centers, to diagnose anemia, cancer, and infectious diseases such as malaria."

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