19 March 2009

Prosperity Gardens ~ Local Sourcing, Organic, DIY

Interesting to read in the NYTimes today that America's First Family, the Obamas to Plant Vegetable Garden at White House, as reported by Marian Burros...
"While the organic garden will provide food for the first family’s meals and formal dinners, its most important role, Mrs. Obama said, will be to educate children about healthful, locally grown fruit and vegetables at a time when obesity and diabetes have become a national concern."
Burros notes that First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt cultivated a Victory Garden during WWII, a time of national crisis and need for extra self-help and citizen solutions. Perhaps today we too can rally around the promise of urban harvests, educate our offspring, and help deal with contemporary crises by seeding Prosperity Gardens, grow-it-yourself agri-DIY zones!

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