14 April 2009

Damietta's Shops ~ Prosperous Egyptian Port City

Very interesting to read of Damietta, a strikingly prosperous Egyptian port city in the Nile Delta with an especially booming woodworking sector, in today's BBC article by Christian Fraser titled Egypt town boasts 'zero unemployment'. Says Fraser...
"Their success is remarkable and they cannot help boasting it is all down to this town's work ethic -- something the company's sales director Hani Hayat believes his compatriots would do well to emulate. "We have worked all our lives, since we were children," said Mr Hayat. "I used to come home from school at lunchtime to work in my father's shop. In this town we are taught not to waste our time."
This is a great example of an entrepreneurial Industry Cluster, one which other cities in Egypt and other regions could draw useful lessons from and perhaps seek to emulate.

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