17 February 2011

Solar Dynamics ~ Enormous X-Class Flare...

Graham Smith at the DailyMail delivers flaring news...
"The sun has unleashed its most powerful explosion in four years. So violent was the eruption -- known as an X-class flare, the strongest type -- that scientists have warned it could interfere with communications on Earth. Erupting from active region AR1158 in the sun's southern hemisphere, the flare was captured in extreme ultraviolet image by Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The intense burst of electromagnetic radiation above a 60,000mile-wide dark sunspot momentarily overwhelmed pixels in SDO's detectors, causing the bright vertical blemish. The X-class flare was also accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME), a massive cloud of charged particles travelling outward at nearly 900 kilometres per second."

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