15 July 2009

Stewart Brand ~ Vital Cities & Tech Innovations...

Counterculture environmentalist Stewart Brand, founder of the Whole Earth movement (among other things), shares his latest observations and assessments about future vital cities and the powerful role of transformative technological innovations for us in the Anthropocene. Plus he opines for four environmental heresies: vital urbanization, nuclear power, gene-mod foods, and geo-mod environments...

1 comment:

James Aach said...

FYI: One of the issues Mr. Brand discusses is nuclear energy. For my recent book on the topic he was also kind enough to provide a back cover blurb. One of the problems with thinking about nuclear power is that most people have no real world experience to go on - just academic papers and propaganda from both sides (boring!), and TV movies (silly). I've used my 20+ years in the nuclear industry to write an insider's account in an entertaining format, a thriller novel called "Rad Decision." It is available free online at RadDecision.blogspot.com No advertisting, no sponsors, no $$ for the author (even from the paperback at Amazon) - just the real world of nuclear, good and bad.

"I'd like to see Rad Decision widely read." - Stewart Brand.