10 October 2010

Dutch Retreat ~ Civil Rights Going Up In Smoke...

Stanley Pignal in the FT writes that the Dutch look at weeding out cannabis cafés, a sign of growing civil intolerance and a major setback in the path towards liberty and freedom of choice for all humanity...
"...the fragrant haze found in the city’s 200 or so establishments could be dispersed under plans by the incoming government, which is looking to roll back the “tolerance policy” that has allowed such coffee shops to operate since 1976. Coinciding with a tightening of laws around prostitution -- another tolerated industry -- the authorities’ new stance on cannabis is raising questions as to whether Dutch society is moving away from laisser-faire traditions, which have included some of the earliest gay-friendly policies in Europe and the provision of free contraception to teenage girls. Certainly the outlook for coffee shops is bleak. Among the few policies that the three parties in the new coalition agree upon is the need to cut back on, if not entirely abolish, coffee shops."
This regressiveness is regretable. WTF fellow Dutch people?!

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