03 January 2009

MoneyMaker ~ Mr Ebbo KickStart Pump Promo

Last year when Lemelson Foundation director Julia Novy-Hildesley spoke to our MIT Development Ventures class, she showed this promo video featuring Kenyan Tanzanian artist Mr Ebbo titled Don't Wait For The Rain about the MoneyMaker treadle pump by KickStart. KickStart's co-founder Martin Fisher would go on to win the Lemelson-MIT Sustainability Prize. Thanks to NextBillion.net's Rob Katz for the link. This promo's catchy, corny, and clever all at once...


Elizabeth Mrema said...

He isn't Kenyan he is Tanzanian, get your bloody facts right.

Joost Bonsen said...

Thanks so much, Elizabeth, for setting my fact straight. You are very bloody kind.