Joost Bonsen's Opinions on How Money, Ideas, and Talent can
Enable Health, Wealth, and Happyness for Each plus
Achieve Liberty, Prosperity, and Vitality for All and Ultimately Help Us
Spread Beyond Our Cradle Planet Earth
08 January 2012
Congo Harborage ~ Potential African Hong Kong!
I'm hugely keen on both current and emerging African hotspots and hubports. Places such as Namibia's Walvis Bay, Nigeria's Lagos, Ghana's portcities, Liberia's Monrovia, Sierra Leone's Freetown, Morocco's Ceuta & Melilla, Eritrea's inland Asmara, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mo'bique, and most recently Cabinda. Looking more closely at Cabinda enhanced my interest in the greater-Congo region and most especially the high-potential harborage at the Congo River mouth embracing the Bas-Congo province seaports of Matadi, Boma, Banana, and Angola's Soyo... Beyond this cross-Congo River bridge at Matadi... ... there's not much heavy infrastructure currently built. From this flight you can get a sense for the landscape and situation... Perhaps the most compelling case for the Congolese seaports is made by none other than supercarrier Maersk and their dredging partnership with CVM (Congolaise des Voies Maritimes) to deepen the Congo River for larger vessels to access Boma and Matadi... Just upstream from these seaports are these amazing rapids......and the prospective Grand Inga Dam, a 40 Gigawatt goliath! If you combine the various factors -- gas & oil discoveries, natural resource export, hydropower aplenty, and more -- this underappreciated Congo harborage zone could be a rivermouth freeport conurbation to rival Hong Kong or Shanghai!
MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition, Enterprise Forum Global, Enterprise Forum of Cambridge, Muddy Charles Pub, African Business Club, Sloan Entrepreneurs for International Development, Global Startup Workshop, Sustainability@MIT, TechLink, Making Progress,, MIT Innovation Tours
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