"The film follows two groups of young women from Darlington and Bremen. Between them, they discover what makes -- and stops -- teenage girls from cycling. The answer? "It's the Infrastructure, stupid!"Watch here the trailer... I'm not against cars or driving or parking, but I believe children and pedestrians generally should have their safety ensured as the baseline mode. Bicyclists also should not need to wear helmets -- they should feel safe about and while biking. Achieving this means a combination of proper walkways and bikelanes -- i.e. vital infrastructure -- and a minimal mix of cultural courtesy and suitable legal enforcement. Any physically threatening behavior by automobile drivers -- nevermind actually hitting people -- should be considered a criminal felony offense with severe penalties, something on the order of drunk driving, which has been criminalized in all civilized countries.
A Tour of Antarctica by Drone
10 minutes ago
1 comment:
I agree. When I lived in Germany, I biked to work every day. I loved the safe bike paths separate from the road AND from the sidewalk. I wish we had the same here. I'm always a little scared when I bike in Boston.
My neighbor Anne Lusk at Harvard School of Public Health does research on bike paths and is helping create design guidelines for better bikepaths.
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