27 March 2010

Contested Streets ~ Rethinking New York City!

Transportation Alternatives produced Contested Streets to explore the past and present of New York City streets -- the mix of and relative priorities given to pedestrians, bikes, taxis, personal cars, trucks, and mass transit -- and helps rethink these public spaces going forward...
"Central to the story is a comparison of New York to what is experienced in London, Paris and Copenhagen. Interviews and footage shot in these cities showcase how limiting automobile use in recent years has improved air quality, minimized noise pollution and enriched commercial, recreational and community interaction. London's congestion pricing scheme, Paris' BRT (bus rapid transit) and Copenhagen's bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure are all examined in depth. New York City, though to many the most vibrant and dynamic city on Earth, still has lessons to learn from Old Europe."
Copenhagenize spotted this clip out of Contested Streets focusing on Copenhagen through the eyes of architect and planner Jan Gehl...

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